Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How to Waste an Entire Day on You Tube

Reverb Broads prompt, for Wed. December 7- courtesy of Kassie Stallings Sands:

Who or what makes you laugh so hard that milk shoots out of your nose and why? Slapstick, dry witty comedy, your kids, Monty Python?

We highly encourage stories, video, photos and other things that might endanger our computer screens with flying milk! Or really any beverage.
Hot diggity dog, this is going to be fun! Beverage-spewing laughter is what I live for. I'm a snorter, and proudly so.  I love my snorts, they are the children of my favorite moments.  The most challenging aspect of this prompt would be choosing one topic, so I'm just not gonna.  This is totally a list-worthy category.  So, in no particular order, here are the people and things that make me snort.
1. Physical comedy.  Jon and I will be watching the most god-forsakenly wretched show or movie, and then someone will slip on a banana peel and I'm in stitches.  People getting hurt just cracks me up.
2.  How awesome is Catherine Tate? I'll rewatch Doctor Who episodes forever, but the window scene (I apologize that I was unable to find the true audio version of this clip) from "Partners In Crime" is true comedy at its best.  I've watched this scene dozens of times.  And another classic Donna and Doctor comic scene, from "The Unicorn and the Wasp," Harvey Wallbanger .  And let's not neglect some great Catherine Tate show skits: offensive translatorGastro Pub - don't ask
 3.  Modern Family, especially Cam.  I just love him.  Love love love.  Pick your favorite.
Soar like eagle  Cam, hands!  Message received
4. Edna Mode from The Incredibles.  This scene is just brill.  Edna deserves her own movie.  No capes!
5.  Justin Timberlake.  The man knows how to bring the funny, and comedy isn't even his first (or second) career.  There really doesn't seem to be anywhere he won't go for the laugh. 
SNL single ladies 
"Bring it on Down to Liquorville."
  6.  Jim Gaffigan's Hot Pocket Routine.  Seriously, this should be required viewing in school, it's so good.    WARNING - do NOT listen to this while operating a moving vehicle.  Convulsive laughter and tears-induced vision impairment will likely cause accident. HOT POCKET
7.  Inappropriate bodily functions.  There's no hope in salvaging your dignity, so you might as well laugh at it.  My dad once accidentally let one rip while we were watching a movie with my brother's high school girlfriend.  I don't think any of them laughed, but I had to run out of the room because I was losing it.
8. Stephen Colbert.   Why did it take so long for someone to realize the comic goldmine of ultraconservatives?  Eat it Fallon! Eat it!!
9.  The Aunt Fanny fart scene in Robots.   Yup.  I admit it.  It cracks me up every time (and since I have kids, I've seen it many times).  I love the chalk outline of the light pole at the end too.
10.  My life.  Lucky for me, I have funny kids, a funny husband, funny friends and family who keep me laughing every day.  I wouldn't have it any other way.   I wrote in my last entry that I would never take myself seriously, and I'm pretty sure I've guaranteed through this blog that no one else will either.  That's fine by me, I suppose.
May the wind at your back always be your own.


  1. Yeah! Edna Mode! Absolutely!

    And let's just make JT a permanent member of SNL. It's a thing. It needs to happen.

    As for you have the Barnes and Noble tote-bag? If not, you need it. Check out my post for details. :)

  2. Donna was a great companion. Woo Hoo for The Doctor.
